Healthy Smiles Ontario
Ontario has a new program for children in 2010 called Healthy Smiles. It covers regular visits to a licensed dental care provider for preventative and early treatment dental services – like fillings, cleaning, check-ups…all important for children, especially those with an ED syndrome with some teeth that are prone to decay and have soft enamel. This is not coverage for cosmetic dentistry (like dentures, caps, etc.) which would fall under other funding programs like the Ontario Cleft Lip and Palate/Craniofacial Dental Program. This program is being administered by each local public health unit, which is where you need to go to enroll your child, and they will tell you what paperwork you have to provide to your son or daughter approved.
To be eligible, the child must be:
- 17 and under
- A resident of Ontario
- Members of a household with an Adjusted Family Net Income of $20,000 per year or below;
- You do not have access to any form of dental coverage (including other government-funded programs, like Ontario Works****
****CEDSA is investigating this to see if the Cleft Lip and Palate/Craniofacial Dental Program is considered “other dental coverage” as it provides for reconstructive, cosmetic and repairs due to the patient’s medical condition but not regular dental appointments, cleanings, etc. In our opinion, if a patient is receiving coverage from the Cleft Lip and Palate/Craniofacial Dental Program, it should NOT impede them from receiving coverage through the Healthy Smiles program too for regular dental services. If you are having issues being approved through your public health unit for Health Smiles, please contact CEDSA and we will work with you and advocate on your behalf.
More information on this program can be found at
A copy of the Healthy Smiles brochure can be downloaded here. 
French website: